Saturday, December 17, 2011

Banana Cake

Ok, I make lots of candy and desserts for people around Christmas time.  It's my favorite time of year!  But how frustrating is it that almost every cake or dessert calls for some sort of milk or egg.  Milk is an easy fix.  There are plenty of options to choose from.  My favorite is almond milk.  Now, granted...I have never just poured a tall glass of almond milk and drank it right up, but I do use it in my cereal and recipes.  For cooking, I use canned coconut milk.  Such a rich and thick milk substitute.  Anyhow, the egg factor is a tough hurdle to jump over.  I'm really not a fan of fake things...I don't do fake meats...and I just feel like there has to be a natural solution to these problems.  Thankfully, with a daughter allergic to milk, I have had plenty of years of research for almost vegan recipes.  I remembered the apple cider vinegar method!  And the Banana Cake was born!  Hallelu! 

Banana Cake

1/2 Cup Almond Milk
2 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Cup Wheat Flour
1 Cup Coconut Flour
1 Cup Brown Rice Flour
1 Cup White Flour -> neccessary
*You may use any combination of flours, but I suggest at least using wheat flour (or any one of the thicker flours 3cups to 1cup of white flour...white flour is the most refined and unhealthy but needed in cakes for the most part).
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 HEAPING teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Allspice
1 Cup Applesauce
1 Cup Agave or Raw Honey
6 Ripe Bananas
1 Tablespoon Vanilla

Preheat oven to 350.  Grease 13 X 9 pan with oil. (I use cocnut oil).  Mix Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, Cinnamon, and Allspice.  Set aside.

Mix almond milk with vinegar.  Let sit for a few minutes.

Mix Applesauce, agave or honey, and vanilla.  Add bananas (mash them first!)  Then, add milk/vinegar mixture.  Then stir in Flour mixture.

Bake for an hour or until toothpick comes out clean. 


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